I’m going to do something a little different in this posting. There will be no pictures of celebrities or remembrances of the good life in the 60s. Just this once, I’m putting on my pundit hat (or beard) and will pontificate for about the next 400 words.
If you're searching for a good scare, this story might just be the most frightening you have ever read.
On Saturday (November 24th, 2007), I was reading an op-ed column in the LA Times written by William Ratliff, a research fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California and at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. His subject was “Venezuela’s path to self-destruction caused by voters handing President Hugo Chavez the power to turn their country into a dictatorship." In his opening remarks, my mind couldn’t help but make a one-word change regarding his subject's protagonist. It simply switched “Chavez” with the more recognizable name, “Bush.”
I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that President George W. Bush has already been our President FOREVER! And, when I watch the presidential debates go on and on, I can’t help but imagine that is how it is all going to turn out. The debates will continue to go on and on and on and so will Bush.
So when I read Mr. Ratliff’s opening paragraph, a ghostly name change kept popping up in my head like an omen of horrific nightmares to come.
“On Dec. 2, Venezuelans (Americans) will be asked to vote on a whopping 69 constitutional amendments that would greatly reduce the country's democratic governance, strip citizens of still more individual liberties and thus expand President Chavez’s (Bush’s) power even beyond what it is today. The sad reality is that voters will probably approve the amendments, as Chavez’s (Bush’s) opponents have been bumbling around, discredited, disorganized and intimidated.
One of the most disturbing ballot items would allow Chavez (Bush) to run for president as often as he wishes and make it more difficult for voters to recall a president. He could become, in effect, president for life.”