I don’t know about you, but when I look at all those presidential candidates lined up on stage,I ‘m looking ever so hard to find a winner. Of course at election time a winner will emerge. But, what I’m looking for is a WINNER!
Most likely you have heard about Steven Spielberg’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton. That was OK with me. What was not OK were all those letters to the editors putting Spielberg down for doing what he believed in; participating in the election of America’s leaders. “What does a Movie Director know about politics,” some people wrote. Others said, “He should stay out of politics and just make movies.”
Whenever I hear radio talk-show hosts and news commentators say that people in show business should stay out of politics and shouldn’t use their popularity to back candidates for office, it really makes my polytics start acting up something fierce.
Poly: many.
Tics: local and habitual twitching, especially in the face.

Man, my face hurts.
Who would make a better presidential candidate than Spielberg himself. Here's a person who can produce and direct a major motion picture that grosses hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office?
It is my habit to have more than one book going at the same time. I’ve found no better way to be entertained and informed. For example, I’ve just finished reading Al Gore’s latest book, “The Assault on Reason.” At that same time I was reading, “God Is Not Great” by Christopher Hitchens, “The Reagan Diaries” by Ronald Reagan, and “Echo Park” by Michael Connelly (Hey, I needed a break from all that heavy stuff).
Here’s a quote from “The Assault on Reason” with which I feel everyone can easily identify.
“Many Americans now feel that our government is unresponsive and that no one in a position of power listens to or cares what they think. They feel disconnected from democracy. They feel that one vote makes no difference, and that they, as individuals, now have no practical means of participating in America’s self-government.”
How many of you feel that you are powerless as far as your government is concerned? How many of you don’t vote because you feel that your vote doesn’t count?
Solution: We need more actors, producers, and directors and less lawyers and professional politicians running for office. When directors like Steven Spielberg make a movie they become master leaders and communicators. They put thousands of people to work and run organizations whose goal is to reach great amounts of people. Therefore, who could possibly know more about what the people want? And better yet, have the ability and knowledge to give it to them. You participate in their work by buying a ticket … or not buy a ticket. Your vote counts, at the box office.
A director/producer looks at how many of you bought a ticket or they look at TV ratings to tell how well they are doing. If the grosses continue to be low or the ratings dismal, they are soon out of a job or their show is gone. THEY are gone. Our leaders today seemed to have sidestepped this consequential inconvenience. Could it be possible that they really don’t care what you think?
Actor/President Ronald Reagan, the great communicator, cared. He knew how to reach people. From his years in show business, he knew how to let people feel they were important and that he was listening to them.
Time to make a commitment. If it were possible to vote today for President of the United States and he was running, I would vote for Al Gore. He is a WINNER. He was a member of the House of Representatives, AND a Senator, AND a two-term Vice President of The United States. And even more important, when he ran for president, he got more popular votes than George W. Bush. He not only reads books, he writes books.
Now you might ask why, after saying I thought our government would run better with show business people in charge, I would vote for a politician like Al Gore?
Besides his years of experience in Washington, don’t forget that he also won an Academy Award. If elected he would be the first President of the United States to have an Oscar sitting in the Oval Office.
Now, from what I said above, I don’t want you to think that I am against all lawyers in government. Some of my best friends are lawyers. However, as I said, show business people have to reach millions of people to keep their jobs; A lawyer only has to reach a maximum of 12.
Stay tuned